Useful Links

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Useful links to other Quaker resources

The Religious Society of Friends

Quakers in Britain

The national website for Quakers in Britain.

Suffolk Quakers

Suffolk Quakers

The website for Quakers in Suffolk.

Ipswich Quakers

Ipswich Quakers

Ipswich Quakers

Quaker Faith and Practice

Quaker Faith and Practice

Quaker faith & practice is the core publication of British Quakers.  It is an attempt to express Truth through the vital personal and corporate experience of Friends.  It is largely composed of extracts from Friends’ writings: a fitting way of expressing the breadth of Quaker theology.  It also describes the current structures (church government) of Britain Yearly Meeting.

The Friend

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly independent magazine for Quakers.
Special Introdctory Offer!

The Friend and other publications are also available in audio form for visually impaired people.  Go to Talking Friends

Quaker Jargon Buster

Quaker Jargon Buster

Written by Ealing Quakers.

Churches Together In Bury St Edmunds

Churches Together In Bury St Edmunds

Suffolk Inter Faith Resource

Suffolk Inter Faith Resource

Suffolk Inter Faith Resource


Suffolk Historic Churches Trust

More information about the Bury St Edmunds Quaker Meeting House (picture shows Meeting House as it was a few years ago).


Drones Quilt

Drones Quilt is a project of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. FoR is a charity that promotes non-violence and peace and works to end armed conflict, campaigning on peace issues and educating about a philosophy of non-violence.

United Nations Association

United Nations Association

We are a subscribing member of the UK United Nations Association (UNA-UK).  UNA-UK may be described as a sort of friends of the UN – not to be confused with the UN itself!
Note from our UNA correspondent

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