Memorial Meeting for Betty Curtayne
A Memorial Meeting for our Friend Betty Curtayne was held on Thursday 29th August at the Meeting House.
At the meeting some passages were read:
The New Departure
There comes a time when the door is opened and shut
And the last guest has gone; and we must close this house
Which has given graciously, and in the fullest enjoyment
its hospitality. So, when the fire is raked and the hearth swept,
and the fine crumbs shaken from the cloth,
We can no longer lie awake and talk of evening
But must take one case, and only one, and pack it,
Because the house is no longer our home.
And why are we compelled to take leave of these faces,
And this room, where the warmth and light linger
And the air is delicate with food and wine,
We do not know: only the necessity is there.
And where we are to go, and in what direction
We are not told; only that we must leave
For somewhere alien, to greet a stranger.
Whichever way we take will be the right one
Because our destination is at the end of all lanes.
And whoever we greet will be the right person
Because all strangers come from home,
With expectation, and a little sorrow,
For all partings are sad, we shall go forth.
And we thank the roof that has housed us
And the faces that have smiled on us,
Because we are grateful: and then we turn away,
To travel on in hope. And in great joy,
To the next turning
Jean Stubbs
A Creed for the 21st Century
I believe that human experience contains more than we can see or hear or touch.
I believe that this awareness is our contact with the Holy Spirit, the life-giver, the creator.
I believe that we can recognize this awareness in personal relationships, through Art and Music, and in Worship, whatever its form or focus. We acknowledge no words or concepts which have power to create barriers between us.
I believe that all men and women are capable of receiving prompting of love and truth, which if acted upon, will lead us to right conduct and the transformation of individuals and nations.
Betty Curtayne
The Truth is one and the same always, and though ages and generations pass away, and one generation goes and another comes, yet the word and the power and spirit of the living God endures for ever, and is the same and never changes.
Margaret Fell Quaker Faith and Practice paragraph 19.61
Portrait of Betty (Click on the photo for larger picture)
Messages about Betty
(right-click on the photo and select “openlink in new tab” to read messages)