Winter Warmer (online)
We are planning a ‘Winter Warmer’ evening of music, readings, and even pictures, to bring Light, Friendship and Good Cheer into these long winter evenings.
When? Thursday 26th November, 7.00-8.30pm, with a 10 minute break in the middle for some warming refreshments (eg a nice cup of tea, mug of cocoa, mince pies etc…!) in the comfort of your own home.
What to do? Please send us an email, by 19th November, with the details of what you would like to share:- Readings to Alison D; Music and any cheerful images to Graham G (who will try to download any musical/visual suggestions from the internet, and ‘transmit’ them on the evening).
This event does not replace the next bi-monthly Evening Meeting (which will be on Saturday 5th December).
Looking forward to hearing from you.
In warm Friendship,
Alison D, Pam and Graham G