Regional Gatherings 2016

Our theme for 2016 is ‘Answering that of God, what does love require of me’.

Saturday September 24th: Maldon FMH

In September we are continuing our commemoration of WW1 and are welcoming QPSW . Commemoration of WW1: QPSW: Objections to War: a Quaker Approach. This will be a learning session exploring the context and realities of conscription in WW1 and the pressures and dilemmas facing those who lay claim to a conscientious objection to war. It will use archive material and present day reports.

The Mid-Essex AM exhibition of Quaker Peace Work and particularly the experience of Friends in the first world war will be on display in the meeting house.

From 11.00 Welcome and coffee
11.30 Meeting for Worship
12.00 Session 1
1.00 Lunch (Please bring your own, Maldon Friends will provide drinks.)
2.00 Session 2
4.00/4.30 Tea, provided by local Friends.

All welcome, please wear a name badge so we can get to know one another.

Essex and Suffolk Regional Gathering
Clerk: Susan Garratt
Tel: 01277 623271