Quaker Week 2017

30 September – 8 October 2017

In turbulent times: be a Quaker 

Every autumn, we hold Quaker Week, a national event in which we encourage meetings to think about outreach and perhaps to organise an outreach event. Whilst many meetings do outreach all year round, Quaker Week offers a time to focus on all the things we do that enable people to discover more about Quakers and the Quaker way. This work is supported by a central campaign which this year included social media posts, press coverage and print plus online adverts.

#QuakerWeek is the hash tag to use on all social media platforms.

New resources are begin developed for 2017 and a poster and new leaflets will be sent direct to every local meeting clerk. In addition an outreach ideas pack and postcards to be sent out to local meeting clerks.

Reminder that meetings can request six information packs to give away to enquirers directly, email quakercentre@quaker.org.uk to request your packs.

Quaker Week 16 posters are still here:
A4 Quaker Week 2016 Posters
A5 Quaker Week 2016 Posters