Holocaust Memorial Day


Holocaust Memorial Day Logo

The Cathedral are hosting a local online event at 10.30am on Wednesday, 27th January.  This will be available on the Cathedral’s Facebook page. It will be led by Canon Matthew Vernon, Sub Dean and Canon Pastor of St Edmundsbury Cathedral. Please go to the Cathedral website for further details: St.Edmunsbury Cathedral

As well as the Service, the Cathedral is hosting an online (Zoom) talk entitled ‘The Music of Auschwitz’, presented by the Reverend Lucy Dallas, Vice-Principal of the Eastern Region Ministry Course and alumnus of Yad Vashem. The talk takes place at 7pm on Wednesday, 27th January.  To register and to receive the Zoom link, please email the RevdSarahGeileskey:curate@stedscathedral.org

 The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust are hosting an at home event which calls on us to Light the Darkness. The UK Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 ceremony will be streamed online at 7pm on Wednesday January 27th.

Please have a look at Holocaust Memorial Day