Quakers in Bury St Edmunds

All welcome at our meeting house, Sundays 10.30 am  Tuesdays 1pm or Online, Sundays, 10.30am and Wednesdays, 7.30pm, email: BSE.Quakers@gmail.com  or BSE.QuakerWarden@gmail.com  Quaker way of life is simple, radical and spiritual. Quakers worship in stillness, seek out the light of God within us all and work for peace, social justice and the environment.
To find out more about Quakers go to Discovering Quakers

Bury St Edmunds Quakers
Quaker Beliefs

Quaker Beliefs

Quakers believe that there is something of God in everyone. Click icon for more ...

Join us

Join us

You do not have to be a Quaker to attend our Meetings. You are most welcome to join us and share in our stillness.

Room Hire

Room Hire

We very much welcome bookings from new and existing hirers

Excellent facilities and competitive rates for both commercial and community users. Please email our warden, BSE.quakerwarden@gmail.com

The Meeting House

The Meeting House

Our historic Meeting House, one of the oldest in Suffolk, is open to all

Saturday, 1st February, 7.30 on Zoom, Words, Music, Silence: “Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew and I was unaware.” (Thomas Hardy, “The Darkling Thrush”)

Saturday, 1st February, 7.30 on Zoom, Words, Music, Silence: “Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew and I was unaware.” (Thomas Hardy, “The Darkling Thrush”)

Feel free to offer a reading or some music. This is always a very informal time to share and enjoy F/friendship. If you want to have a ...

Climate Witness Winter Break

Climate Witness Winter Break

We are having a winter break between January & March from our normal climate witness at Angel Hill,  on the first Saturday of each ...